If you are a new patient, please choose the New Patient Consult and Exam treatment. If you are a New Patient and book a Return Patient treatment, your appointment will be cancelled and a new appointment will be rescheduled that meets the New Patient treatment availability.

Please note that you will be required to put a credit card on file for your first appointment, however, the card will not be charged until your appointment. If you had a card on file with my old software, it would not have transferred over for security reasons. The card you have on file can be changed upon request or in your My Account portal accessed in the top-right of your screen.


Family Chiropractic for all ages. The better the spine is the better the nerves are that come out of the spine and the healthier you are. Adjustments help the spine move better, you feel better, but more important your function better from the inside out.

Dr. Peter Toyos has been a Chiropractor since 1994. Previously he worked in the financial field in New York City and holds 2 other degrees in Economics and business. He is a single dad with 2 kids and has been serving the Phoenix area since 1995.

Dr. Peter Toyos has been a Chiropractor since 1994. Previously he worked in the financial field ... Read More

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